European Stone Festival - Lincoln 2013
During the weekend of the 22nd/23rd of June I was excited to attend the annual Stone Masons Festival which was held in Lincoln this Year.
Over 140 stonemasons came together from all over Europe to showcase their skills, network and generally have a fantastic time! As well as catching up with some of my old friends, I had the privilege of meeting many of the young and very talented emerging masons.
There was an opportunity to take part in the yearly carving competition, which gave visitors the chance to see the stonemasons at work and really see for themselves the high level of talent, passion and skill there is within the trade. The sound of over 140 stonemasons all tapping and working away is a fantastic sound, one that can not be described but which really adds to the atmosphere of the event turning it into something magical and unique.
The finished pieces from the carving competition were auctioned off raising a staggering total of £50,000 for Charity. With new and innovative techniques being used alongside traditional craftsmanship, some stunning works of art were created,with the highest bidder paying over £2,600 for a piece.
Everyone had a wonderful time, with a friendly, welcoming and fun atmosphere I am already looking forward to the next one!